As someone who existed in this headspace for years, I completely sympathize with how hard it is to break out of this rut, which is why this next part is so important. When that’s the case, it’s a sign of deeper problems that need solving. I just wanted to go home and crack open a bottle of hard cider.

Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight After Quitting Alcohol in Dry January – Business Insider

Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight After Quitting Alcohol in Dry January.

Posted: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This, in turn, makes you feel more bored more frequently, which reinforces the desire to drink, and round and round you go. But, much like dopamine, alcohol disrupts and inhibits the production of GABA in our drinking out of boredom body. When you drink, it floods your brain with an artificially high amount of dopamine. Chronic alcohol use can dull the brain’s dopamine response. This is your brain’s way of trying to restore balance.

Understand What Boredom Is and How It Can Trigger Drinking

After a while, you’ll notice that your interests start to narrow, as does your social circle. Chronic alcohol use can also affect the brain regions responsible for regulating mood and stress. The brain has essentially been rewired to find these natural rewards less appealing compared to the artificial high from alcohol. Dopamine also plays a role in controlling memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration, and even our ability to have coordinated body movements. Reducing alcohol intake may produce withdrawal symptoms such as sweating,
shivering, high blood pressure, vomiting, fatigue, etc.

They give you alternatives to drinking to fill gaps in your life. If you want to get better control of your drinking, you need to think about what your future drink-free life will look like. Try and find ways to build other people into your daily patterns. Different activities will in turn create different thoughts and even the smallest change can start to make a big difference.

You rationalize downtime drinking with “I deserve it” or “It’s just easier.”

And while these things might sound serious and scary, it’s important to note that it’s one piece of a larger puzzle. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, your doctor may even recommend medication to help treat depression and anxiety. Getting drunk did not magically change the dynamics of that situation. We were all just sitting around and getting drunk, perfectly content to not really do anything together.

  • Drinking as a way to cope with boredom indulges in and perpetuates that passivity.
  • This is probably new for your friends and family, too.
  • You can also find groups of folks who are in the same situation as you are.
  • Whether your sobriety has you wallowing in boredom or self-pity, please know that it will get better.
  • If you always have a bottle open when watching TV, then it quickly becomes a very hard habit to break.
  • Chronic alcohol use can also affect the brain regions responsible for regulating mood and stress.